Name of your company, a short paragraph describing what your company manufactures/sells and the target audience for the product.
“Stay fit” My company targets older men and woman about staying fit. Working out and going to the gym whenever you can. When you come to the gym you will step out a new person. This program hopefully will make this world stay healthy and have people meet their goals.
Review the processes that Jacob Cass went through in designing his logo and Logo Design Secrets (and any other links that you found especially helpful). What parts of these processes did you use in your work. Please explain and be specific.
I made sure that I stayed will simple comforting colors that are eye catching. Also made sure it worked in b/w and color. I tried making this a simple logo so when you look at it you know what it is for. All his tips really helped me for my final product.
Overall, what three important concepts have you learned about logo design? Explain why they are important to your future work?
I have learned one that it must be simple, because you don’t want someone second thinking what the logo is about. The second thing that is important is that color, because you do not want something that some will not go to just because of the color. An finally the name must be short and to the point. You want that so you can fit it anywhere or place and have it stand out.
Review the criteria and the process of designing a logo, please rate your final logo design, 1-4 (4 is the highest). Please explain why your work deserves the rating.
I think my logo deserves a three, because It meets all the criteria and is unique itself. I worked very hard to make this the best I think it could be. I took feedback from other students, and changed some things, but in the end I made it my own.