
Which tessellation did you find more interesting to do? In what ways was it more interesting than the other? Please explain.
I found the Triangle tessellation more interesting, because it is a picture of a random object made into a picture. I like how it just looks like a bunch of triangles, but if you look close you can see what it really is.
Look at your peers' work on the ning. Which two designs do you find the most successful? What qualities make them so successful?
I really like Tommy’s rectangle tessellation. It looks like he worked very hard on the background fitting in with the obtect. I know right away that it is a fish and it fits together well.
I also thought Samantha was very successful with her triangle design. I looked through all of them, and hers popped out the most to me. It looks very bright and fun. I can tell that they were fireworks. This was a very good piece, and came out very well.
Looking at the Grading Criteria for each design, how would you rate BOTH designs on a scale of 1-4, 4 being the highest? Please explain each grade.
I think I would give myself a 4 for triangle one. All the tessellation's are lined up perfect, and I spent a lot of time on it while following the criteria. This is a picture of a part of a phone. When they all form together it looks very different then the actual picture which is cool.
I think I earn a 3 for the rectangle. I think this because even though my picture is unique and fits well together, there is one part where the lines do not line up perfect. I like how my “duck” came out, and I made the color make it look more like a duck. In the end I think I did very well.
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